Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Nerdfighter Comment Appreciation Post

So this year for the Project 4 Awesome (Nerdfighter Charity Event) I made a video about the Trevor Project (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUGMZ4Aqj2M)

So the P4A was started in 2007 by John and Hank and basically their goal was to use their knowledge of the featuring process as Youtubers to hack the system and make sure all the featured videos were about charity. To do this they asked the nerdfighters to comment and like and favorite as many times on as many p4a videos on Dec. 17th that they could. It was an amazing success, and so they've been doing this annually ever since.

I was not a nerdfighter during the P4A even last year, so this was my first. There's a blog on tumblr called EffYeahNerdfighters, and this year they held a live show to promote certain videos for the nerdfighters to go attack with comments and views etc.

My video was chosen for this, and I can't tell you how happy I was that it was. Their goal for my video was 1,000 comments, and therefore I ended up with a ton to read through. On the actual liveshow they would give prompts as to what people should comment about so it wasn't just "P4A" and "DFTBA" all over the page. I would like to share some of my favorite comments with you.

The first prompt: Compliments.

"YOU'RE NOT A LOSER! DFTBA! #spamwow" -sparksbleeder

"you look like you give good hugs! I want to hug you" -as9430

"hmmm ur so ugly its cute" -The NavyHM

"you are aesthetically pleasing" -dearcentennial
All I could think when I read this was "Eyelashes! our little surprise... they're underneath your hair... they're like... hair for eyes." (and if you know where that's from you win the non-existant Space Cadet prize of the day)

"Nice sweatervest ;D" -foreverjynxed
Why thanks, but that's swest to you.

"I love your voice Darren" -Zik33
Now I'm not sure if she/he knows this... but I'm not Darren Criss. I'd just like to clarify.

"Your right arm smells like alaskan huskies (Good Thing)" -TheWulfMaster

"I like your eyebrows" kaylasturner 
this comment is funny to me because its something I've been told in real life, and I never really understood it. People always ask me where I get my eyebrows threaded and such and literally I didn't even knew what that meant until someone explained it to me. Frankly I just don't understand. HOW CAN SOMEONE HAVE NICE EYEBROWS? I understand people can have bad eyebrows, because I've seen them. But if they're not bad, I just consider them good? like normal? I don't know.

"Your eyes are so blue" -Zik33
my eyes are hazel. not even tinted blue hazely. like green/brown haha

"Your nose is as cute as a button :)" -SoloStellatv
this comment was funny to me as well, because I always thought I had a really weird squishy nose. To hear its cute as a button was like what? lol


"You have a nice voice" -ERSorensen
Someone once told me, "you have a great voice," so I assumed singing? then..., "Singing and talking." Again, how can someone have a good talking voice? good for what? haha

"Your hair looks like a chocolate waterfall" -SoloStellatv

"That camera angle? BEST I'VE EVER SEEN." -yeah568

"I beckoned lovely and she's you (:" -SoloStellatv 
This is a Nerdfighter joke that I absolutely loved, alluding to the Beckoning of Lovely. On a seperate note, SOMEONE NEEDS TO MAKE A NERDFIGHTER PICKUP LINE BLOG.

"I like [your] boulder. that is a niiice boulder." -spazophies
donkey ftw.

"You get two hearts <3 <3 cuz I'm a timelord" -PHvlogger
Doctor Who jokes <3

"you're adorable!! Great great great video!" -hypedragon
I overuse the word adorable. and absolutely. its excessive.

"Great video! DFTBA, John" -Project4awesome
just check out that username... yep, yep. so that John? JOHN EFFING GREEN. I happy danced around my room for a good 10 minutes. ngl.

"beautiful nerdfighters are beautiful XD" -foreveryjynxed

The funny thing about the compliment prompt is that you have no idea if people are truly complimenting you, or just writing random things in to comment faster. Either way, it still made me feel good. Like, "Your eyes are so blue" is obviously some random thing a commentor decided to say, because my eyes are in no way blue. But when I read, "Your nose is as cute as a button" it made me smile. That person may have not even watched far enough into the video to see my face, but it still made me happy, which is a curious thing.

Second Prompt: What do you want for Christmas?

Don't we all?

"you" -suchducks, 
as you can see above, this comment is by suchducks, who I adore, and who I found through Esther. She is awesome, and partly behind the process in which my video was chosen, so :D

sweet, but suchducks said it sweeter (x

"I just want to know who the eff Hank is" -yeah568
Another inside Nerdfighter joke, that just isn't worth the explanation, but ah, love it. <3

"All I want for christmas is 1,000 comments" -Faffricka
You can borrow some of mine...

"I want a my little pony with a black santa on top" -SoloStellatv
"Cuz I gotta house full of black santas..."

"All I want for christmas is for charities to be well know, and for a group to just band together and spread the word! 
oh wait... P4A FTW!!"
I lol'd.

"I would like uh john's glasses" -theflawintheplan
This is funny because that's the only thing that I bid on in the raffles for p4a. I put all my donation money there, despite the fact that I would love Hank's album title to be "Ellie". So clearly, I'd love to recieve John's glasses as well, theflawintheplan.

And the Last Prompt (as well as my favorite: In Your Pants Jokes

of course I found the classics, such as "everything that rises must converge in your pants" and "sweaty yeti in your pants", but here are some other favorites.

"A Great and Terrible Beauty... In my pants" -myxgiftxisxmyxsong

"The Pianist in your pants," -posthumorously
I laughed way too much at this one. 

"An Abundance of Katherines... in your pants" -
to which one person replied
"that sounds uncomfortable"
and another,
"I'd be ok with many Katherines in my pants." -sn4kp4k
I'd say uncomfortable indeed.

"Who stole the cheese from my pants?" -xanipanable
don't look at me.

and then I saw one comment that said,

"I didn't read much?"
I didn't think they existed. A Nerdfighter who doesn't read? I felt like I had just seen a unicorn.

AVeryIronicGoose commented very politely, "One time I saw a book called The Hole That Needs to be Filled," 
to which mahnahkah replied, "IN YOUR PANTS."
oh, nerdfighteria... how I love you. No book shall go un-pantsed. (unless it isn't funny)

"Where's Waldo? In Your Pants." -Nienna146
Which is funny because I almost named this blog "Here's Waldo" I might as well have made it, "My Pants"

"Its Always Something in my pants..." -posthumorously

"the day the goose got loose INN MMYYY PPAANNTTSSSS" -JupiterStak

"The guide to nerdfighting... in your pants" -Duessa2000
which arguably, I think that book should have actually been called. (and yes, I believe someone is working on it to actually become a real book)

"pants pants pants" -windandocean

"I have a bird i like to hold in my pants" -windandocean

"catching fire... in my pants." -myxgiftxisxmyxsong

"All the important things in life start in your pants" theejoshpow
The funny thing about this comment is that John Green has a famous quote that expresses the opposite sentiments of this very In Your Pants joke. I literally can't find it right now, but I'm pretty sure its from Will Grayson, Will Grayson, about the fact that so many of our thoughts revolve around when we're going to do it, with whom we will do it, etc. And that its ridiculous how we spend so much of our lives thinking about something slugs do.

"Alex Day in your pants! lol" -emilylime88, 
Girl, as much as I love you, i need to let you know ALEX DAY IS NOT A BOOK... just kedding.

and although its not a book title, I think this may be the most unnappreciated In Your Pants joke ever, 
"Don't Forget To Be Awesome... In My Pants."

Miscellaneous Comments that did not fit the prompts:

"I will be making a donation to the Trevor Project" -JulieVlogs 
This one is included because JulieVlogs is a made of awesome nerdfighter who i actually met at VidCon and this made me so happy.

"look! over there! what is it? pure awesome." -collegehasagedme

"Looking For Elaska" -moddylupin

"Alaska Young! We found you :P Lol. Lame joke, but I'm tired. awesome video!" 
I laughed an innapropriate amount at this.

I assume this person is speaking of John's spamming challenge? (:

"We spam comments. She spammed mirrors" -pro0glenn
YES. (you will only get this one if you watched the video)

"Gravy. That is what I heard." -moskitomagnet 
Not sure what this is in reference to, but it got me thinking... does gravy make a sound?

"Do we like tumblr?" windandocean
I just can't say enough about the way this is worded. it makes my smiles happen. "Do we?"

"I want to write a song called 'is that a b or an h?' about captchas" 
they commented this many times. I don't understand is it a cry for help? Pretty good idea though. I like.

"comment prompt: things you can eat if you just had wisdom teeth out"
This is funny because I just got home from my friend Alyssa's where we watched Christmas movies because she just got her wisdom teeth out and needed comforting.

"I feel bad for the uploader, what will she think when she read all of these?"
I was so amazingly proud to have been chosen, and help the nerdfighters with p4a. So incredibly happy.

then simply "Judy Bloom"
In your pants?

I adore you Nerdfighteria, and you will stop being awesome the day the universe explodes. (which we know won't happen because we've got a Timelord (and a fez) to fix that.


Monday, December 20, 2010

I thought it would be ok.
where are you?

someone tell me there's a heaven.
someone tell me we will meet again.
say there's someplace she's in now
that doesn't contain dirt
and emptiness.

tell me because I can't bear it otherwise
and neither can John.
I suppose she'd have taken it alright though.

Tell me she can see me.
say that she knows all the good she's done.
say that she knows I love her.

how many more times
tears will stain and scratch my face
I can never be sure of.

My girl of the stars,
Will you ever know?
has anyone ever told you?
is the world a two-way mirror?

as much as I've been stubborn
and disinclined to admit it
I hope with all my heart
that it is.

Can you see all your magic
projecting across
countries and
seas and

Have you witnessed
as clearly as I have
the effect
of your infections incantation?

I'll try to live
as witness to
the goodness
you've left behind
in me.

I just wish there were more things
I could guarentee.


Sunday, December 19, 2010

Goals for 2011

So I always attempt to make goals for myself at the new year, and usually they taper off within a few months. Here's the funny thing... Last year's resolution was how I found the Nerdfighters. I used to make a resolution every year, but now I've decided just to make it goals. Anyway, my resolution last year was to make one person smile each day.

Over my break I was getting really excited about the idea, because it was something simple that seemed very possible. Although I haven't kept track of it, I like to think that I accomplished it anyway. The cool thing about making videos is that I could be making someone smile from half-way around the world right now. I can make people happy in my sleep. I could be sick one day and literally not come in contact with anyone and still make someone happy through a video that I made months ago. In this way I hope that my resolution was upheld.
Because I was so excited about this resolution a year ago I went searching online for jokes. I love jokes. they're possibly one of my favorite way to put words together. I love to laugh, I love people with a sense of humor and jokes are just amazing. So I went to search "Jokes" in on youtube, because although I love jokes I don't know many of them. One of the first videos that came up was titled "51 Jokes (In Four Minutes)" by a user named "vlogbrothers"and so I thought, why not? I clicked on the video and there was Hank Green, of course who I hadn't known was Hank at the time. I just saw a blonde guys with glasses and huge bookshelf behind him. At this point in my life I still hadn't identified as a nerd, but I did love books. I thought he was hilarious, and so at the end of the video when he linked a few more videos of him telling jokes, I watched them as well. I really liked him a lot and went to his channel... where I was introduced to Nerdfighteria. I'm not sure exactly what day this was, and I really wish I did because I consider this day to be my Nerdfighter-versary (of which my first is fast approaching).

So needless to say goals and resolutions are something that I will keep doing each year, because I never know where they might lead me.

So here are my goals for 2011:

Read 50 books
now this is actually something that I've already taken action to do. I've told you all that I'm a vlogger and in 2011 me and 2 of my friends will be starting a youtube channel in which we review books and vlog together to keep ourselves motivated to finish the 50 Book Challenge.

Write A Song
I've written stories forever, and I find it amusing to do in my free time, but just last year I began writing poetry. I play the piano, and I'm hoping to learn the guitar (which we'll get to later) and now whenever I go to write a poem I start to section it off like a song, or hear the rhythm of it in my mind and so my goal this year is to translate that rhythm through an instrument & post it on youtube.

Can I just stop right here in the middle to say that my house smell disgusting because my sister is cooking god knows what downstairs? Well I guess I just did, but anyway...

Talk to John and Hank Green
Now I would say "Meet" John and Hank, but I don't think that really counts if you've already met someone so I'll say "talk to". Also, I've come up with an idea for Esther Day 2011 and I want to see if they support what I would be doing. I met them last year at VidCon and got to have a conversation with them both so hopefully I get the opportunity again this year.

See Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 at Midnight in Costume.
YES. I will do this. I have never dressed up for anything Harry Potter related in public before in my life, and I'm really not that type of person, but I consider this my LAST chance.

Finish and Revise my NaNoWriMo Novel
Although I got to 50,000 words, my novel is not finished. I have a lot more writing to do to actually conclude the story, but I feel like I'm up to the Challenge.

Get Over my Stage fright
This is kind of humorous to me because I make Youtube videos, but as many people know a lot of Youtubers are actually quite awkward in person. I've been cast in a production of Beauty and the Beast, which I'm extremely excited about, but I'm actually quite nervous about being onstage.

Start Don't Forget to do Awesome (DFTDA)
So if you're a Nerdfighter (which I assume if you read this far, you probably are because decepticons couldn't stand the overload of nerdiness.) then you know the phrase DFTBA. For those of you who don't know, it stands for Don't Forget To Be Awesome. my variation is a project that has to do with charity. I was inspired by the Project 4 Awesome (another Nerdfighter Event. you can check out what that's about here: http://projectforawesome.com/) and basically I'm going to try to go and do service work at as many organizations, both local and worldwide and film my experience. I will then post them onto the project's youtube channel (youtube.com/dontforget2doawesome). I decided to do this because I've been trying to figure out a few things. 1. what charities I would like to help. I have had lots of trouble deciding where I want to spend my time, and with which charity I would like to commit to. I'll be making my videos so that other people with the same problem can find my video about say... Save the Children and see what they're all about, what kind of work they do, and what that person can do to help, from a more hands on approach. 2. How I can help them besides giving donations. With worldwide charities we know that giving money can always help, but what can we do with our time that will benefit these large charities that we'd like to support? I'm about to find out.

Reach 100 Subscribers on my Personal Youtube Channel (youtube.com/elaskayoung)
Right now I have 50 subscribers on my Youtube channel which is a huge accomplishment because I think the first 50 are hardest to get, when you have only a few videos, and not very many views. 100 would be an amazing goal for me to reach.

See a Wizard Rock Show
When I first heard about songs about Harry Potter, I listened to a few, and didn't like them much so I just gave up on trying to find them altogether. Then I became a Nerdfighter. I found Kristina Horner (who's part of the wizard rock band The Parselmouths, and then after finding the band of her boyfriend, Ministry of Magic, I completely fell in love. These are probably my two favorite Wrock bands to date, but I always love hearing Harry Potter songs from artists like Hank Green, who aren't exclusively writing HP songs. I'm afraid now that the movie's coming out there might not be Harry Potter Conferences of Wizard Rock shows, and I DEFINITELY want to go to one before that happens, whenever it does. So why not now?